Sunday, March 18, 2007


I looked at the mirror a couple of time after reading this...This is from IMDB on Reality Bites

"The way I see Troy is that he´s a young man struggling with himself. He is very wise and has all these idea´s about the world, but doesn´t really know what to do with them. He definately is very smart and does think alot about the world, his thinking is very deep. I think that in some ways he see things further than the "average" guy, but at the same time he has trouble finding his place in live. I´m not a pro, but I think that´s often common with very smart people. Sometimes I also feel like he has a touch of depression or some kind of melancholic behaviour

I also think that the title of the film refers to Troy´s characther. Reality bites. All his ideas and theoris doens´t always add up to realiy. We all know how easy it can be to make a beautiful theory about how things ought to be, but when entering reality we deal with so many X's that our theories sometimes are only good on paper. Troy is a thinker but at this time in his life, he can´t seem to handle reality.

But like I said, my main idea is that is in struggle. He´s constantly struggling;himself vs. himself, himself vs. the world, his believes vs. the world and the reality, himself vs. Laney and so on. His struggle is also that he´s a very private person and doesn´t easily open up. He really likes Laney but doens´t know how to deal with it. Good example is when they sleep toghether, he panics and runs of. It´s like he´s afraid of getting close to someone or actually beeing happy. Like Björk said in her song Big Time Sensuality: "It takes courage, to enjoy it!"

Friday, June 23, 2006


bundos 1 : hmm... highly prone to environment, self-deprecative, ...
bundos 2 : hmm... mooody selfishboy, highly random, popping questions all the time, giving bizarre answers

tough to distinguish these bundos.

san Baby : sarcastic philospherboy with strange theories
mits Baby: brooding loverboy with a floydish slant